Author Archives: Ryan Clark

About Ryan Clark

I'm the CEO of Linkbuildr Marketing and the brains behind our branding and blog content. I specialize in effective marketing strategies for hotels, luxury brands and real estate. If your brand is in need of a boost then don't hesitate to contact me for a free proposal. Follow me on Google+: +Ryan Clark Twitter: @Linkbuildr on Twitter. You can also come ask me a question on our Facebook Page.  

Content Marketing Podcast Stuff

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March 20  |  Brand Building  |   Ryan Clark


– The Anatomy Of Link Bait
– Down The Viral Path

genius marketing

infographic pow-wow,mod=0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=%22Are+Books+Doomed%3F+The+Rise+of+E-Reading+INFOGRAPHIC%22&oq=%22Are+Books+Doomed%3F+The+Rise+of+E-Reading+INFOGRAPHIC%22&gs_l=serp.3…153151.159085.0.159266.…1c.1.Npw76NsWw68&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=e2b44e53316abe48&bpcl=35277026&biw=1440&bih=779

video gem

controversial link bait

Studhub is in for a shit ton of links

///////////////Episode 2
“Second episode to look at how controversy can bring in the links so make t he most of it if things arnt too harry carry

Holiday Marketing Strategies For Ecommerce

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March 20  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

Right now there are tens of thousands of Ecommerce shops gearing up for their holiday marketing promotions, some have even begun. They say the early bird gets the worm, but I think when it comes to holiday shopping online, it’s the loudest bird that gets the worm. Christmas, Hanukkah, Festivus or whatever you celebrate means people are in a shopping mood and there are many opportunities to reel them in.

A lot of what I’m going to cover here isn’t new and ground breaking at all, but it should get you in the right mindset. If you haven’t started plotting your December marketing attack already then you best get moving asap. A lot of companies we deal with only want to employ one or two tactics and this usually annoys me to say the least. Holidays, while a time for family and harmony, are also an easy time to build your brand up even stronger.

The focus for the holidays is always content marketing and we ran some numbers from all our clients to give you an idea just how much action we got. We found that humorous link bait and contests were the real winners and we can focus on those aspects in just a bit, but for now, this is what we counted;

Links Attracted: 32,563
Facebook Followers Acquired: 88,102
Facebook Likes(On Content): 130,221
Twitter Followers: 23,411
Tweets On Content: 60,002
Youtube Subscribers: 8,914
Comments On Content: 783

Remember that this was from all the holiday campaigns we ran for clients last year and I imagine that the Tweets On Content numbers are “botted out” a little.

What Nail Art Taught Me About Content Marketing

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March 20  |  Brand Building  |   Ryan Clark

I have a friend who runs her own local nail art business who spent her spare time creating cool content for the sheer fun of it. That content has now built her a global following which has started to open up unique ways of revenue. I’ve since been helping her with a few things and I’ve noticed a common trait during my research. A lot of really really good content ranks extremely well for keywords that get a lot of traffic. The results went beyond just attracting links, but earning social shares naturally without the aid of begging your friends or hiring a guy from Fiverr.

I being a guy had not realized the nail art trend was so booming, so it was an interesting experience learning how this vertical thrived on great content.

“Birth Of An Industry”

The Focus On Content Marketing

Since this industry is all visual, social media platforms are a perfect marketing angle that brings in a steady ROI. I noticed right away that engaging content was in abundance. This niche has a very lucrative long and short tail battle field that is already filled with amazing tutorials, millions of Instagram pictures and more than 560,000 tutorial videos on Youtube.

Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 7.21.46 PM

how creating awesome content for real fans will get shared, and it will get linked (forums, in blog posts, q/a sites, email, social sites)
– talk about actually getting more valued link power from sites like reddit/
– it takes more than one type of media and it takes constant effort for rankings that will pay off huge in the long run..because it was earned

talk about how the links came in for that ama…talk about being the most heard in your vertical

– posts on authoritative sites are thin but because of the following get tons of social shares. These pages are ranking from the juice of that and the link pages on the social networks


Google Needs Better Community Support ASAP

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March 20  |  Brand Building  |   Ryan Clark

I’m a member to Google’s Webmaster Help Central, the only place us webmasters can go to get insight and help about our websites. Sadly, nobody from Google is in there giving advice or helping. While John Mu is in there from time to time, and yes even Matt Cutts twice a year, the majority of helpers are down right horrible. There needs to be some sort of cleansing because the rudeness and short tempers are flaring up in just about every other post.

Don’t get me wrong though, I’m guilty of being not-so-nice from time to time as well on the forums. I understand that seeing lousy websites with webmasters who think they should be in the top 10 might get on your nerves. However, there are a lot of good people asking questions and getting really nasty responses.

The top “helpers” on there as well all seem to be uber nerds who most likely have no had any enterprise or even mid level SEO experience.

There Is No Such Thing As Grey Hat

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March 20  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

I often run into people talking about “grey hat” link building strategies and thought it was time to address this issue.

Quality Link Building For Affiliate Websites

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March 20  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

I hate most affiliate marketers. There, I said it. I spend a lot of time hearing from people who run affiliate sites and the woes they run into and I thought I could lend some advice. Perhaps that’s a little harsh but I’m tired of hearing from people who think they their ill conceived website should be ranking when in fact it’s utter junk. It’s time we take a look at what’s wrong with the affiliate marketing mindset and help those who have a brain actually make some money in this day and age. I can gladly talk about this without worry because 99% of them will not take my advice because they are way too lazy.

I started in the world of online marketing and learned how to flop, as well how to make more money in a couple months than most make in a couple years.

Conspiracy Theories Make For Great Link Bait

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March 20  |  Link Bait Tactics  |   Ryan Clark

The recent Bilderberg meetings coming in June 2013 to The Grove Hotel have done some interesting things in regard to their SEO. I’ll keep conspiracies and negativity out of this post and focus on the marketing aspect of having such an event at your hotel. While this event is perhaps seen as a negative to a lot of people, I wonder what the marketing team for The Grove is thinking with all this social buzz around them.

the grove hotel bilderberg
There has been 665 social mentions in the past 30 days according to
It’s not surprise that holding such an event is going to attract attention, and if that attention is organic links and social followers, then they’re going to clean up. Let’s take a look at what all this attention is doing for them and perhaps you hoteliers can learn a thing or two about events and link bait.

While it’s still early, I expect their link profile to grow by at least 7-10% over the course of the conference. The Bilderberg conference runs from June 6th – 9th 2013 and there will be a lot of journalists and press waiting around in the bush. As for the attendees, don’t expect much to come from them.

Since a lot of the sites the links are coming from are not going to want to give any credit to the hotel, I think we will see a lot less links coming in. With that being said, one quick glance with shows that since the announcement, their link profile has experienced some growth.

the grove hotel links
The Grove Hotel should be in a good spot after this event in both their organic search listings as well as new social media followers. I should have perhaps waited until the conference was over but right now is prime time for attracting links, and I don’t even think The Grove Hotel realizes it.

How Could They Capture More Links?

Since these meetings have such a negative stigma to them, The Grove Hotel hasn’t mentioned a peep about it on their website or any of their social media accounts. The silence itself is interesting but if they chose to tease conspiracy theorists a bit I think they could troll their way to link bait gold.

Idea 1) Infographic Fodder

Infographics are still a link bait cash cow if done correctly and there is certainly enough ideas to grasp from for content. Around this time last year there was an infographic done regarding the members and connections involved with the attendees. While I don’t know how factual it is(doesn’t matter on the internet), it attracted a huge amount of buzz with a lot of the propulsion coming from a post on the infographic.

bilderberg connections infographic
An infographic dispelling some of the myths about the group might be an interesting angle. I think going for something that will enrage a little and get a debate going will bring in the shares. A lot of high end companies like The Grove Hotel will most likely not have the “balls” to get involved with anything too risque.

Idea 2) Media Coverage Opportunities

Since the Bilderberg group is trying to be more open about its meetings, the press will actually get a slight chance to perhaps talk about it. While every news corporation is owned by someone attending this meeting, I guess this might be an optional marketing tactic.

How A PPC Campaign Turned Into Link Bait

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March 20  |  Link Bait Tactics  |   Ryan Clark

We recently helped a new local startup launch where they only gave us a 3 month time period in which to achieve a myriad of certain goals. Their budget per month was in the $X,XXX range which still made me a little weary . Typically with a content marketing campaign it takes time to craft and test the waters before seeing the benefits. I knew it would be overly ambitious to promise them the moon so I opted to take a chunk of that budget for a PPC campaign or two.

This would at least buy them highly targeted users to their startup and get actionable data sooner than later. We set out to spend $3,000 over the 3 month course with Adwords and Facebook’s PPC platform to acquire more local customers. While we just wanted those users and their “likes”, we experienced a multitude of other benefits that I didn’t anticipate.

local ppc campaign marketing
Before going deeper into this post I will have to fully admit I an quite inept when it comes to doing PPC. I don’t have a whole lot of experience so I’m not sure how much luck factors into the success we had with this one client.

The PPC Gameplan

Like I said, our team doesn’t usually do PPC and when we have, it would almost always be for a contest we were promoting. In this case we would be just targeting a small set of keywords that should deliver a potential customer. The costs would be moderately high since there was a good amount of established competition.

For Adwords – We were going to run a PPC campaign that focused on sending users to the client’s Facebook coupon page which netted the customer 15%. Since users were forced to like the client’s page(get the app) to get the coupon, we felt that we’d capture enough local targeted customers to their Facebook page. I thought this would be much more valuable to capture those people in their Facebook page for future marketing.

For Facebook Ads – Since we can target a very specific demographic here we ran it as tight as we possibly could. This option is of course for those with a decent budget as PPC costs can run high, and fast.