Link Building Videos

Google’s Going To Tell You What Links Are Unnatural

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February 12  |  Link Building Videos  |   Ryan Clark

Finally Google has told us that they will tell us, or at least gives clues as to which links they deem inappropriate and are potentially ruining your organic ranking. While the problem for a lot of companies is that they don’t screen which “SEO” company they hire, or their in-house team is as clueless as 99% of link builders out there.

If your brand isn’t even attracting any links at all you’re NOT DOING IT RIGHT. While we’re not against building links, hell our name even suggests it, we do however want our clients to do something that earns them links. We also don’t giv two shits about anchor text or any other manipulation because if your company isn’t the best choice to be shown to searchers, get off the field.

Linklove 2012 Conference Preview

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March 30  |  Link Building Videos  |   Ryan Clark

The time has come for another Linklove conference here in 2012 and it looks like the lineup of speakers is nothing short of the best ever. The conference was today and I wish I could have attended but I cannot be everyone at once so I hope it was a blast! The folks at Koozai(who you should go follow all over the social world) were kind enough to put up this video to let us know who’s talking about what this year. I will without a doubt be making my way over for the next event so hopefully I’ll see you there.

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Distilled Conference Taste Test!

September 8  |  Link Building Videos  |   Ryan Clark

The crew over at Distilled is well known for not only their great content or their highly respected marketing services, but for their conferences as well. The most innovative minds in our industry speak at these conferences on the more advanced and cutting edge topics. They sell these now on their website, and I could not be more happy to recommend that you buy these without hesitation. You’ll see from this taster video what you’re in for and some of the brilliant minds who are sharing invaluable knowledge. I also recommend checking out their Youtube profile for a whole bunch of great videos that are really worth the watch!


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Dejan SEO Presentation via Pesa Internet Conference

July 26  |  Link Building Videos  |   Ryan Clark

Here’s another presentation by those Australian boys over @DejanSEO, this time at the Pesa Internet Conference. Luckily for me, I didn’t have much time to write today and they just uploaded this making my life a little easier today. The video starts off with some basics of SEO then gets into some link building talk and other metrics. These guys always put on a good speech so if you have an extra 30 minutes on your lunch break today, give this a watch while you nom away on your food.


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Link Building Webinar From Affiliate Summit

May 11  |  Link Building Videos  |   Ryan Clark

I just caught this hour long webinar from the fine folks at Affiliate Summit, but the talk comes from inbound marketing strategist Chad H. Pollitt from Kuno Creative. While it’s entitled “Link Building Secrets“, there is hardly anything secret or new to the folks reading the blog here. What I loved is how he laid it all out visually and spoke greatly about diversifying your linking efforts. Chad also covers some really solid social media marketing strategies that everyone needs to hear!

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URL Shorteners Pass Link Juice

April 12  |  Link Building Videos  |   Ryan Clark

This question is asked a lot by our clients and I was glad to see Matt get it as a video topic. URL shorteners do pass link juice as long as they’re 301 redirects. This makes perfect sense because Google is counting signals from the likes of Twitter and Facebook in their ranking algorithm. He specifically states and as two that work well, and as you can see we use here. I also recommend setting up your Analytics to work with either tracker so you know how your content is doing.

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Google Panda Q/A From SMX West

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March 15  |  Link Building Videos  |   Ryan Clark

SMX West has just wrapped up, sadly we missed it and were stuck sitting here in the office working away. There are always a ton of awesome videos that come from the conference, and sadly not a lot of them get the exposure they should. I really enjoy slapping these on my mobile and watching them while I work out, or before falling asleep. But, generally speaking they’re brilliant videos with industry leaders discussing the latest and greatest, and in this case the latest and painful. The Panda/Farm update has heads still spinning, and we’re still seeing a lot of scrapers and spam still ranking quite well. I hope this video clears up some of the questions you may have had, or if you’re just wanting to see what the marketing world is getting at behind close doors.

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Rand Talks About Preventing Link Based Penalties

March 15  |  Link Building Videos  |   Ryan Clark

It has been a while since I posted a Whiteboard Friday post from the fine folks at SEOmoz. So when I saw Rand rocking that snazzy sweater, I just new I had to do my part and share it here. I wish more people would watch this video because they have no idea the nightmare that is cleaning it all up. This video covers a whole spectrum of linking topics that will cause trouble, as well what to do to stay out of the black hole that Google can put you in at a moments notice. I highly recommend checking out their original post because they graciously provided a transcript.

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