Social Bookmarking

5 Steps to Creating an Amazing LinkedIn Company Page

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June 4  |  Social Bookmarking, Social Media Sites, Social Networks  |   Alex Chan

5 Steps to Creating an Amazing LinkedIn Company Page

Everyone knows that social media is latest platform for promoting their products but where do we go beyond Facebook and Twitter? Facebook lets us reach friends of friends and Twitter broadcasts to news addicts so what about everyone else? In the past year, LinkedIn has reshaped their site to present a new opportunity to reach professionals, businesses, and companies. They actually have and send traffic now. Creating a LinkedIn profile for your company is a step forward to building your company’s image and increasing its popularity.

Making a LinkedIn profile for your company is very easy and more important, it’s free! Here are a few tips on how to create a good LinkedIn profile for your company:

1. Don’t skip the “About Us” section
Write a detailed summary of your company under the “About Us” section at the bottom. Put effort into writing a good description for everyone to see. Tell people what’s important about your company. Upload a crisp and clean cover image. The cover image is much larger than your profile image so viewers will see that first.

2. Use the Products & Services tab
All social networks are a great way of promoting your products and services. With the Products and Services tab, you can put images of products and even provide links so people can buy them. LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to place your most prominent product on the top of the list so people can see it first.

3. Connect with your employees
After you create a profile for your company, ask all your employees to connect to the profile and say they work for your company. This increases the circle of people that can connect to your company, but also provides visitors a possibility to connect directly to the employees. It makes your company accessible and open to the general public.

4. Recruit people
The LinkedIn profile can also be used as a recruitment tool. The Careers Page is used to recruit talented people and make contacts with other professionals. If you wish, you can pay to have the Career page available on your LinkedIn profile.

5. Generate good content
Last but not least, always make sure you keep your profile page updated and interesting to users. Always generate good quality content on your LinkedIn page. Customers like to be constantly updated with the new information whether it is about your company or in general. Generating good content is the hook that attracts more followers. If you have nothing to say, then nobody would follow you.

Matt Cutts On NoFollow

August 27  |  Link Building, Social Bookmarking  |   Ryan Clark

Jen Lopez from SEOmoz met up with Matt Cutts at SES to have a quick chat about NoFollow and its uses. The video is short and doesn’t get into much detail but it’s still a short, fun watch especially if you’re bored at your desk.

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Link Building With

February 22  |  Link Building, Social Bookmarking  |   Ryan Clark

Hey everyone…it’s been a while since I updated with some link building tips so I’ve finally found some time to do a few posts. I’ll be starting off with this really cool new site I’ve just stumbled on tonight called Clikball. This site is relatively new on the block but has grouped a whole whack of features I really wanted to see together. It’s essentially a way of sharing top notch content, whether that be funny, weird or breaking news. It also is layed out like a social bookmarking site but combines twitter like followers and easy sharing with friends. This is a great platform to utilize and I hope it becomes very popular. Sadly the plugin didn’t work on Ubuntu with Firefox 3 so I can’t Clikball from my main laptop, so I’ll be testing it out when I’m on my windows box which is not very often.

So getting on with the post here, how can you benefit from using Clikball? Well for starters you get a public profile which includes a nofollow link to your website or blog, and secondly all the links you add are dofollow so they’ll count as a backlink. Remember folks, this is a site for premium content so don’t expect your spam to last long. People with news and entertainment websites will benefit the most from using this service and I strongly warn spammers from abusing this system. So if you’re using this site normally remember to follow others, attract followers and you’ll benefit in the long run when your user page gets indexed.

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Link Building With

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January 27  |  Link Building, Social Bookmarking  |   Ryan Clark

If you’re a student, teacher or somehow involved in the education community you’ll be pleased to hear about Edtags. This social bookmarking site is not dofollow but that’s fine with me because the content being pushed is all related and quality. They’ve obviously had a problem with spamming in the past because registration requires you to email them to get in. This makes my posting job much easier in regards to warning people not to spam, so if you have a great education site get in touch with them.

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Link Building With

January 27  |  Link Building, Social Bookmarking  |   Ryan Clark

Quad Riot is another social bookmarking site in the sea of many except it surpasses most of them in regards to site quality. I’ve been seeing a good chunk of social spam showing up on the frontpage which is obviously being voted with ill gotten accounts. It’s sad to see because the site is well designed and has a good number of indexed pages to go along with its PageRank of 5. If you create great content that should be seen by the masses then I urge you to start using Quad Riot and take it back from the spammers. Since the links are dofollow you’ll build up your link profile and hopefully fill up that front page with quality content.

Tagged , , , Goes Live! Social News For Marketers

January 7  |  Social Bookmarking, Social Media Sites  |   Ryan Clark is a pretty new social news sites for the marketing community both online and off. By the looks of its Alexa Ranking, has been pushed since the end of December and has been climbing at a decent rate since its launch. I submitted my article Link Building & Social Media Marketing For Women which made it to the front page within a day or so. The traffic as expected wasn’t quite productive just yet, but that could also be due to my content so see for yourself;

The site seems to be getting quite active in regards to voting and user comments which is a good sign. The sites layout is really slick, clean and user friendly so it presents the media quite well. As an online markter I like the mix of offline marketing news that is on the site, it gives me a different angle on things and we all should be looking at all aspects of marketing. If you want to you can sign up for free and start submitting and taking part in the community.

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Dwellicious Social Bookmarking For Real Estate

January 6  |  Link Building, Social Bookmarking  |   Ryan Clark

Dwellicious is set to launch January 7th, 2009 and I thought I would sneak in this post a day early. I’ve been following this web 2.0 app for a while now and the buzz surrounding it has been large! A lot of you may have heard about this already, and my real estate clients have been also talking about it to me quite a bit. Now the idea is of course a clone of Delicious geared towards the real estate crowd, but for both consumers and agents. The folks behind this project were very smart about going about the design, and taking on all the food features of Delcious which makes using this a breeze. Since they had consumers in mind firsthand, this should generate a lot of user traffic and allow for Realtors to get highly targeted leads.

You can sign up already and get started with Dwellicious, and you’ll be happy to hear it works with most web browsers, even Google Chrome! Once you’re ready to go you can start browsing real estate listing, and when you’ve found something you like, it’s a breeze to bookmark with fully detail notes and tags. Of course you have the option to make your findings private or public, and you can easily share with friends and family members. Currently a lot of the web 2.0 real estate websites are already onboard. Some of the sites include Remax, Craigslist, Zillow, and so many more!

From all the clients I deal with, I can easily say that realtors are some of the most techically advanced when it comes to marketing online, so this web app came as no surprise. I would really like to hear back from other Realtors about what they think, and I’ll be bringing this to the attention of the good folks over at Real Estate Webmasters.

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Building Readers With

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December 31  |  Link Building, Social Bookmarking  |   Ryan Clark

Earnersclub is a great hub for the SEO/SEM/Webmaster community and provides a new source for traffic to your blog. The links are not dofollow, but I’m after the traffic that’s involved here and I’ve been using the site more and more lately. Not only does this dive into the realm of what Sphinn covers, but it also goes into the money making niche deeply with a vast section of great links to information I don’t normally come across….and it’s all about making money. They also have a vast array of buttons for your website, browser plugins to easily submit content on the go and of course a handy WordPress plugin to let your readers vote up your stories. I’m kind of in a toss up to switch it over from Sphinn, but for now I’ll try and get this added to my socialize this plugin for WordPress. I highly recommend all your folks out there in these niches to join up and start voting and submitting your good content.

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