AideRSS is a really slick interface that parses your favorite feeds by its own rating system called the PostRank. This system takes in many variables of the blog post such as amount of comments, rating and inbound links to the post to determine which ones you should most likely be reading. I’ve been using the software for a while now out of pure personal enjoyment, so take your time and check the site out. This site is put together by a cool group of people that really take an interest in the site so please don’t abuse the services they provide.
You can watch a screencast which shows you the basics of AideRSS and what it is for, and how to use it. They introduce the concept of PostRank, the core technology behind AideRSS, and how it can help you find and read what matters. Within the system you can enter your blog(s) and as you’ll see upon viewing my AideRSS page how your backlinks are produced. They also take in effect your posts “rippel effect” in the social media world such as Digg, Delicious and others. They have managed to hold a Goolge page rank 7, so that means they’re doing something right in the 2.0 world. The more feeds you pump into their system the better AideRSS gets.
Our company
Based in Waterloo, Canada, AideRSS Inc. is a privately held company created to help deal with daily information overload, and our overwhelmed feed readers. Utilizing the latest cloud computing technologies, and distributed algorithms we created the PostRank™ filtering process. With a great mix of strong technical and creative talents, our team continues to innovate on finding new information management solutions.

The folks at AideRSS have been featured on Leo Laporte’s TWiT and all the major blogs such as Mashable and Life Hacker. The entire team’s bio is online as well a look into their office life on Flickr. They also happen to be hiring, so if anyone has some programming skills give them a shout.