JigJak is a cool social bookmarking site that I’ve discovered lately, so it may be new to some and old news to others! I’ve been using it to bookmark some quality articles on here and I’m happy to say that JigJak is dofollow and I’m enjoying the link juice to my content. The community on the site seems very active and serious about keeping the quality in order on the site. JigJak also has around 6200+ pages indexed in Google so that’s a good sign they’re doing decent and aoff to a good start. I really liked the member community section which shows a visual map of the world and where most of the active users are, it ads a nice little touch. They also offer blogs to members so you can write your own content on the network and get it promoted within the site. This website is absolutely free and you can go ahead and sign up, but please do not spam.
Link Building With JigJak.com
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