one way links

One Way Link Building Strategies

August 26  |  Link Building Tools  |   Ryan Clark

I was scouring Youtube for link building videos, and while having a good chuckle at some, there was a pretty good video series from the folks at Themematic. A lot of people have blogged and discussed methods of using social media websites such as Squidoo, Hubpages(etc etc etc) for the purpose of providing quality one-way links to your main websites. There’s almost no need to exchange links anymore with websites because there are so many one-way link building options out there, why bother?

So the folks at Themematic have put together a formula as well as a product to teach people how they go about constructing this network to gain top ranks. I thought the video was well put together and it is worth the watch if you’re currently not doing something like this.

About ThemeMatic Software

ThemeMatic Software was designed specifically to take advantage of the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques taught by Charles Heflin’s ‘The Master Plan’ and in conjuction with the team at Theme Zoom. After modifying an existing e-commerce site and creating another content site from scratch in accordance with ‘The Master Plan’, top ranking in Google was achieved very quickly. The need for a tool like ThemeMatic became blindingly obvious to us when top site rankings in highly-competitive markets became possible given the correct ‘Theme Density’, ‘Silo Site Structure’, ‘Internal Linking’, and removal of elements that cause ‘Theme Bleeding’. At the time that the ThemeMatic Software was being developed, there did not exist a single tool on the market that could achieve the above without massive manual effort on every page of one’s site (believe us, we tried it!)

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