
Google Panda Recovery Help

May 2  |  News  |   Ryan Clark

If your company needs help recovering from a Google Panda issue then you’ll be glad to know we’re now offering help. We’ve been constantly helping websites via Google’s Webmaster Central, and now it’s time to offer a helping hand to those in dire need. There has been no clear signal from Google as to what has caused it for your site, nor how to fix it easily. There is a lot of information on recover, but where to start and how to go about it? We were happy to report that none of our clients got hit, nor did any of our own websites. That is something definitely we can take and learn from.

We’ve always made sure our clients had the right content, the right links and of course the right amount of social media marketing in place. Since the Panda update, we’ve had so many inquiries for help that we’ve hired on new team member just to handle the this problem.

From all the companies coming to us for help, there has definitely been a lot of things in common. First of all, a lot of in-house teams were to blind with rage that they weren’t seeing the big picture.  It’s hard to admit sometimes that your website isn’t perfect, and believe you me, we’ll give you a tough and honest audit. Our team will be offering on the house audits to big brands and established companies needing serious help.

If you like what we have to say, then perhaps our panda solutions are the right choice for your company. All it takes is to get in touch with us via our contact form and you’ll here from us within 24 hours.


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Panda Update Is Working For Us Against

April 20  |  Black Hat  |   Ryan Clark has been scraping not only our blog content, but Vertical Measures blog as well. I’ve asked many times through many streams and nothing was done about it, well, not until Panda anywho. We’ve implemented Google’s original source meta tags, blocked the scrapers via .htaccess but that didn’t stop them there. They take our content fully, rip out the links and the images which is really down right rude.  Since Panda is supposed to throw down thin, duplicate and weak content, I was glad to see it working so well for us.

Well I had to write about it since we weren’t getting anywhere trying to stop them from scraping. I even offered to let them take an excerpt but at least provide a link back to our original work. I filed a DMCA request with Google months ago and that did absolutely nothing, so it’s nice to see the Panda update doing its job. I know a lot of people think it’s done nothing but screw things up even worse, but here’s a real world example.

The original source implementation seemed to be doing an ok job, but not great. For the longest time we’d still see the scraped posts ranking within the top 10 search results. While it wasn’t hurting our rankings or image at all, it is just frustrating to see someone stealing your written words, and the links within them. I’d also hate to think a potential client would think it was their work, and end up wasting their time getting links that are most likely a waste of their money. With that in mind, just taking a look at the links they’ve built, you can see quickly this is not a consultant you want to deal with.

Post Panda Results?


I am pleased to see that the blog results are now what they should be, something I’ve demonstrated in the picture below. This is exactly what Panda was intending to do, so we’re all pleased that something has worked in our favor. I know not everyone is pleased, and I’m very aware that a lot of scraper sites are still outranking original content producers out there. That has been very evident if you look at all the inquiries in Google Webmaster Central.

So there’s a bit of hope for our team and hopefully folks out there dealing with scraper sites. If you’re seeing the opposite still with your content, pipe up here in the comments and let’s get a discussion going. We’re always more than happy to offer our advice and hopefully that leads to some answers for your problems.

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