I recently saw the Miracle Whip ads coming out since I was home over the Easter Weekend. I don’t have cable at home, so I sometimes miss these unique ads that hit the cable networks. While Pauly D is only a fraction of the commercial, it’s how he was involved that got me interested enough to write about it. Instead of a boring run of the mill ad, Miracle Whip did something very different. The commercial you see below showcases both lovers and haters of Miracle Whip. This was a smart idea, and kudos to the marketing department who came up with it. They didn’t stop there either, the company has encouraged Youtube users to make their own love/hate response which is crucial to brand buzz. Instead of being forgotten in a couple of weeks, they’ll have built up long lasting hype with their fans. Just for the record, I’m a Miracle Whip lover!
pauly d
Miracle Whip & Pauly D Make For Great Marketing
April 25 | Brand Building | Ryan Clark
Tagged branding, miracle whip, pauly d