social network Launches & Needs Beta Testers

April 1  |  Social Networks  |   Ryan Clark

I’ve just spent that last couple of hours signing up and checking out a new social network for entrepreneurs that’s caught my interest. If the site owners are reading this and thinking, “oh no, we just got blogged about on a link building blog”, don’t worry I’m not working that angle anymore(lol). Everyone on the Linkbuildr Team is an entrepreneur, and I’ve had the pleasure of getting them on the team here. We appreciate the resources available to folks like us, and we’ll always do our part to share related news such as this launch. A lot of our clients are also in the same boat, and we know they’ll enjoy hearing about a new place to share ideas and perhaps make some businesses connections. There are a whole host of features offered on Startup Crave, so join up while the beta is free and add me to your network.

There are a whole host of features, as I mentioned, my favorite so far being the post an idea option in your user control panel. Once the site builds a large following, who knows who you’ll network with and make that idea into reality. Personally, there have been so many times I’ve needed a good programmer on board so I’ll be looking to link up here for that. There are also user forums, the ability to post videos and link up your social media accounts to spread your latest happenings. Current beta testers get to utilize all the features of Startup Crave so jump on board now while the getting is good!

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Link Building With

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August 14  |  Social Media Sites  |   Ryan Clark has recently launched into the world of making money online and article writing. If you’re looking for a new place to get out original, quality content to the masses then this is the place for you. It’s free to sign up and as I like to usually mention to not spam this service, but rather put something great and unique up. The Infobarrel system has measure in place to keep quality control in order which is a key feature a lot of the other social media sites are lacking.

To put it in less words, is a Shared Revenue Social Media Community. We are creating a venue for writers, media producers and other content developers to publish their material and create an extra revenue source.  Not only do we want to help content producers, but we also want to attract visitors from all around the world with information that provides value to their daily lives.  Whether the value is created through  a simple how-to tie a tie article, a salad recipe or instructions on how to make an amazing cocktail, it is our goal to be your information destination.

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