Conspiracy Theories Make For Great Link Bait

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March 20  |  Link Bait Tactics  |   Ryan Clark

The recent Bilderberg meetings coming in June 2013 to The Grove Hotel have done some interesting things in regard to their SEO. I’ll keep conspiracies and negativity out of this post and focus on the marketing aspect of having such an event at your hotel. While this event is perhaps seen as a negative to a lot of people, I wonder what the marketing team for The Grove is thinking with all this social buzz around them.

the grove hotel bilderberg
There has been 665 social mentions in the past 30 days according to
It’s not surprise that holding such an event is going to attract attention, and if that attention is organic links and social followers, then they’re going to clean up. Let’s take a look at what all this attention is doing for them and perhaps you hoteliers can learn a thing or two about events and link bait.

While it’s still early, I expect their link profile to grow by at least 7-10% over the course of the conference. The Bilderberg conference runs from June 6th – 9th 2013 and there will be a lot of journalists and press waiting around in the bush. As for the attendees, don’t expect much to come from them.

Since a lot of the sites the links are coming from are not going to want to give any credit to the hotel, I think we will see a lot less links coming in. With that being said, one quick glance with shows that since the announcement, their link profile has experienced some growth.

the grove hotel links
The Grove Hotel should be in a good spot after this event in both their organic search listings as well as new social media followers. I should have perhaps waited until the conference was over but right now is prime time for attracting links, and I don’t even think The Grove Hotel realizes it.

How Could They Capture More Links?

Since these meetings have such a negative stigma to them, The Grove Hotel hasn’t mentioned a peep about it on their website or any of their social media accounts. The silence itself is interesting but if they chose to tease conspiracy theorists a bit I think they could troll their way to link bait gold.

Idea 1) Infographic Fodder

Infographics are still a link bait cash cow if done correctly and there is certainly enough ideas to grasp from for content. Around this time last year there was an infographic done regarding the members and connections involved with the attendees. While I don’t know how factual it is(doesn’t matter on the internet), it attracted a huge amount of buzz with a lot of the propulsion coming from a post on the infographic.

bilderberg connections infographic
An infographic dispelling some of the myths about the group might be an interesting angle. I think going for something that will enrage a little and get a debate going will bring in the shares. A lot of high end companies like The Grove Hotel will most likely not have the “balls” to get involved with anything too risque.

Idea 2) Media Coverage Opportunities

Since the Bilderberg group is trying to be more open about its meetings, the press will actually get a slight chance to perhaps talk about it. While every news corporation is owned by someone attending this meeting, I guess this might be an optional marketing tactic.

How A PPC Campaign Turned Into Link Bait

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March 20  |  Link Bait Tactics  |   Ryan Clark

We recently helped a new local startup launch where they only gave us a 3 month time period in which to achieve a myriad of certain goals. Their budget per month was in the $X,XXX range which still made me a little weary . Typically with a content marketing campaign it takes time to craft and test the waters before seeing the benefits. I knew it would be overly ambitious to promise them the moon so I opted to take a chunk of that budget for a PPC campaign or two.

This would at least buy them highly targeted users to their startup and get actionable data sooner than later. We set out to spend $3,000 over the 3 month course with Adwords and Facebook’s PPC platform to acquire more local customers. While we just wanted those users and their “likes”, we experienced a multitude of other benefits that I didn’t anticipate.

local ppc campaign marketing
Before going deeper into this post I will have to fully admit I an quite inept when it comes to doing PPC. I don’t have a whole lot of experience so I’m not sure how much luck factors into the success we had with this one client.

The PPC Gameplan

Like I said, our team doesn’t usually do PPC and when we have, it would almost always be for a contest we were promoting. In this case we would be just targeting a small set of keywords that should deliver a potential customer. The costs would be moderately high since there was a good amount of established competition.

For Adwords – We were going to run a PPC campaign that focused on sending users to the client’s Facebook coupon page which netted the customer 15%. Since users were forced to like the client’s page(get the app) to get the coupon, we felt that we’d capture enough local targeted customers to their Facebook page. I thought this would be much more valuable to capture those people in their Facebook page for future marketing.

For Facebook Ads – Since we can target a very specific demographic here we ran it as tight as we possibly could. This option is of course for those with a decent budget as PPC costs can run high, and fast.

Link Building Like A Boss aka CEO Bait

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March 20  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

being a ceo has privlideges

Reddit ama
ceo sites (profiles)
outreach coming from the CEO of a well know brand is full of win
finance sites

This should be the iteration of the site on bluehost

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March 20  |  Link Building  |   Geoff

Goob’s Map

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March 20  |  Link Building  |   Geoff

Image Map

5 Steps to Creating an Amazing LinkedIn Company Page

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June 4  |  Social Bookmarking, Social Media Sites, Social Networks  |   Alex Chan

5 Steps to Creating an Amazing LinkedIn Company Page

Everyone knows that social media is latest platform for promoting their products but where do we go beyond Facebook and Twitter? Facebook lets us reach friends of friends and Twitter broadcasts to news addicts so what about everyone else? In the past year, LinkedIn has reshaped their site to present a new opportunity to reach professionals, businesses, and companies. They actually have and send traffic now. Creating a LinkedIn profile for your company is a step forward to building your company’s image and increasing its popularity.

Making a LinkedIn profile for your company is very easy and more important, it’s free! Here are a few tips on how to create a good LinkedIn profile for your company:

1. Don’t skip the “About Us” section
Write a detailed summary of your company under the “About Us” section at the bottom. Put effort into writing a good description for everyone to see. Tell people what’s important about your company. Upload a crisp and clean cover image. The cover image is much larger than your profile image so viewers will see that first.

2. Use the Products & Services tab
All social networks are a great way of promoting your products and services. With the Products and Services tab, you can put images of products and even provide links so people can buy them. LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to place your most prominent product on the top of the list so people can see it first.

3. Connect with your employees
After you create a profile for your company, ask all your employees to connect to the profile and say they work for your company. This increases the circle of people that can connect to your company, but also provides visitors a possibility to connect directly to the employees. It makes your company accessible and open to the general public.

4. Recruit people
The LinkedIn profile can also be used as a recruitment tool. The Careers Page is used to recruit talented people and make contacts with other professionals. If you wish, you can pay to have the Career page available on your LinkedIn profile.

5. Generate good content
Last but not least, always make sure you keep your profile page updated and interesting to users. Always generate good quality content on your LinkedIn page. Customers like to be constantly updated with the new information whether it is about your company or in general. Generating good content is the hook that attracts more followers. If you have nothing to say, then nobody would follow you.

Footer Links Targeted By Google?

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June 3  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

I recently got into a discussion with a crew of marketers and “SEO” folks I meet with for beers and the topic of footer links was something that kind of had me stumped. With all the confusion and weirdness surrounding links now thanks to Google and whatnot, it’s hard to have the right opinion on without knowing the right facts.

What we do know is that Google isn’t a big fan of of them and I suspect for the most part they will be devalued, especially if site wide. Taking a look at Google’s link schemes guide it clearly states they have distaste for them, but as usual there is little said which leaves a lot to the imagination.

footer links google penalty
Flash back to 5-10 years ago and site-wide footer and sidebar links were the equivalent of gold in the online marketing landscape. They worked so well that Google had to crack down hard although they seemed to put a lot of webmasters off of it, blackhatters were and are still buying them up like crack rock. Hell, I’ve even jumped on board with a client and saw their marketing teams doing this without even an inkling that it was against Google’s TOS.

So back to my beer meeting. One of us who wishes to remain anonymous asked us if he should be nofollowing his web design credit links on client sites. I know this is a topic that has been talked about before(here, here, here and here), but I still wasn’t too sure especially after reading those links.

For the most part I think Google will just simply devalue those links. On the other hand, if you’re gaming anchor text then I fully believe trouble will come. I also think there could be a problem(although there’s no way to tell) if you give a client a discount in exchange for that credit link. That alone is enough to get me worried so I thought this topic could be touched on yet again as well leave it open for others to comment on as time goes by.

Matt Cutts On Footer Links

While that video is a little old it gives us a little more insight despite Matt being vague as f%$! as per usual. I understand he has to word it like that as things change over time and who knows what Google’s algorithm will be doing in a year from now. My personal opinion is that if most of your links from from the footer area as a credit link, you may want to reconsider your linking efforts asap.

Two Real Examples Of Footer Link Problems

Looking in the past year I wanted to mention a couple case studies that surrounded the footer link issue. Since they’re quite recent, I hope to push the discussion further. I especially get confused with links from web design companies that usually put a “designed by” credit link in client footers.

The WPMU Case:

This is an interesting case study of sorts thanks to Ross Hudgens who took the time to analyze and report on how it played out. I specifically was glued to this case because the links effecting WPMU certainly were, for the most part, in their control. The other aspect I found quite interesting was the majority of the links were not focused on a “money” anchor text.

I always like to think that Penguin or whatever algorithm update will also harshly look at how many of x type links a website has. With WPMU getting the bulk of their links from their themes and plugins with credit links we can also assume the link placements are the same. Since the Penguin update is a computer and not a human, you still have to be careful even if you’re a big brand producing great work.


Personally, based on how quick their penalty was lifted, I suspect this was revoked manually by someone at Google. It is rare to get your case made public in the media and I would have done some damage control if I were working for the big G. WPMU also had a lot of the footer links in their control as you can see from the post. The point I want to hammer out is of course the problem with their “footer” links.

The Jit Bit Case:

This was a very recent discussion which involved Matt Cutts himself piping in quite a bit to their issue. Jit Bit creates really awesome software which does have “powered by” credit links on the sites running their gear. Here’s the bit that caught my attention in their thread over at Hacker News.

Our site WAS affected by Penguin indeed, even by the first version of Penguin a year ago. Because we sell web-forum software and ticket-software – that both have a “powered by” link at the bottom, our SEO agency advised to add that…
And we’re still trying to recover… I’m contacting our clients one-by-one and we’re changing those links to “nofollow”.

Sadly another great company gets inept advice from a “SEO” company and they’re left cleaning up the mess on their own dime. It is extremely important to vet your SEO company before taking them on, and yes this even goes to our clients.

Further down in the comments is this other tid bit from the Jit Bit team.

Which ones? The ones above? I’m not sure. Will have to contact them and get back.
I think, the links we’re being penalised for – are mostly the links that come from our software widget. Check out this page, the very-very top of it:…
We have HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS links like this (I’mm looking at my WMT right now). I guess this is the main reason. Our site is hit by Penguin…

So if you’re implementing a strategy like this I’d be very careful as it could really effect your business. Footer links can get out of control and make for a stressful removal process some time down the road.

What to Expect From Google’s SEO Department in 2013

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May 21  |  Link Cleanup, News, Video SEO, Wordpress SEO  |   Alex Chan

If you’re wondering what’s in store from Google for 2013, the video above shows Matt Cutts giving an elaborate explanation of what to expect.

Coming soon is the newest version of the Penguin algorithm, called Penguin 2.0. This update will have serious improvements from the last Penguin 1.0, and we should expect it any day now. The new Penguin will detect black hat SEO, go deeper into the websites, and have a larger impact than the previous updates. Sites should get ready by using Google’s Disavow Tool to defer any spammy links.

Along with Penguin, a new Panda update is coming. This update is expected to have an enormous impact on many websites and Google will try to “lower” the affects to keep from harming websites. The last major Panda update had serious impact on all websites. We should expect something similar for this one. The fact that Google states they need to “tone it down” means it’s going to be HUGE.

After punishing Interflora and a few UK Newspapers, Google will start looking into advertorials and other types of advertising that directly violate Google’s guidelines. Paying money for advertising in order to pass the PageRank is one of the issues that Google has been regularly monitoring this year. A number of link networks have already been shut down or heavily penalized.

Many users in England complained about pay day loans and other pornographic queries that appeared on Google will introduce two new changes in the area of spammy queries. One method is to detect links “upstream” in an effort to reduce the value of the spam links. Along with monitoring links in a new way, Google plans develop advanced link analysis software that will make Google’s search engine understand the linking flow better.

When certain websites present an authority in a certain field like travel, medicine, real estate, and so on, Google will try and boost the authority of those pages allowing them to top on the search result pages. This is great for existing authoritative websites but it will make it harder for new websites to join the race. In addition to handing out higher authority, Google will make another attempt at cleaning the “cluster issue”. The cluster issue was presented back in 2012 for websites that dominate the first page for a single keyword. That includes websites like yelp, and possibly even Google Maps, YouTube, or other Google entities. This is an attempt to diversify the results and offer the end-user a wider range of information.

Last but not least, Google hopes to improve the communication with the webmasters. This is great for white hat developers and we’ve already seen some improvements after Matt Cutts announced the best method for handling a manual Google penalty. When dealing with webmasters, Google announced that they will be providing more detailed and explicit information to the webmasters in their Webmaster Tools. That was something that Google was always criticized about and anyone who’s dealt with this can relate.

By the sounds of things, Google has a few good ideas that are going to help webmasters on the way. The improved communication sounds great but everyone should be prepped for both Penguin 2.0 and the upcoming version of Panda.