Link Building In The Health & Fitness Niche

November 2  |  Link Building, Niche Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

Here’s another niche link building strategy guide that is similar to what I can put together for your company, or blog. I picked the health niche because it is so vast and this will make finding a lot of resources to write about much easier. If you would like to have me map out a custom link building and social media marketing campaign for your website feel free to contact me.

Although the healt and fitness niche’s are heavily competative, there are still a lot of new ways to market your product or site. These new methods should also bring in strong, healthy links from niche related social media sites, forums and more. We’ll  first take a look at a few health directories that would be worth the time spent submitting. I usually don’t like wasting my time on these, but because it’s so competitive you don’t have much choice!

Health & Fitness Web Directories:

PR7 [email protected]Submit Site

PR4 [email protected]Submit Site

PR3 [email protected]Submit Site

PR3 – Submit Site

PR3 – Submit Site

PR2 – Submit Site

PR2 – Submit Site

Health & Fitness Forums:

Most of these sites are good for do follow signatures, but please don’t spam these forums. Take part and get involved in your community.

PR5 + 1.2 Million Members Body Building Forum – Join Forum

PR5 – Join Forum

PR4 Shapefit Forums – Join Forum

PR4 – Join Forum

PR4 – Join Forum

PR2 – Join Forum

Health & Fitness Social Bookmarking:

Don’t forget to submit to the usual Digg/Mixx/Mr Wong/Reddit/Propeller because they all have health directories. Here are a few obscure health and fitness social bookmarking sites.

PR5 – Submit Links

PR4 – Submit Links

PR2 – Submit Links

PR0 – Submit Links

Web 2.0 Sites & Social Networking:

Most of these communities have blogs, forums and bookmarks all combined into one. If you search around enough you’ll see there are plenty of ways to get do follow links from these sites.

PR5 – Join Community

PR5 – Join Community

PR4 – Join Community

PR4 – Join Community

PR4 – Join Community

PR4 – Join Community

PR3 – Join Community

PR2 *BETA* – Join Community

So this is just a small taste of what’s out there and hopefully it provides with you new marketing avenues to play with. I didn’t even get into do follow blogs for this niche and all the other social networks out there. Dig deeper into your niche and hopefully you market ethically and come out on top in the end.

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Obama & McCain Compared Digitally

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November 2  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

As we all should be aware of as link builders and Internet marketers is to watch other sites succeeding online in regards to getting their image/message out there. Since Barack Obama has been on the campaign trail he has employed some very crafty online marketers, and if you divulge into his online strategy, you’ll see just how viral someone can go.

The way this election has been going, especially in the last week, it seems that Barack has a good lead out on McCain both in the polls and on the web. I wanted to take a quick look at both their websites to see if it will “predict”(used loosely) the outcome of the election.

First let’s take a looksy with Yahoo’s site explorer to determine the number of backlinks for both domains, both candidates use for social media, Google Trends and finally Alexa. From what I’ve seen by using only these few tools is that Barack Obama has clearly put the Internet to good use over his opponent.


So we can start to see that Barack has a lead over McCain when it comes to the number of backlinks, and I think we can all agree that more than 60% of these links are obtained through viral means, mostly within blog entries. Obviously there never has been an election covered as much online and this has. I highly recommend you all take a look at the links they’ve obtained just for educational purposes, but don’t bother goin through a million of them! Next lets take a look at Google Trends because from this first bit of evidence, we should see that Barack Obama is leading the pack in terms of search queries;

Ok so no surprise there. The younger generation has been behind Barack which is another good reason why he has such a larger web presence. Next we can take a look at Alexa comparing both candidates domains to see who has been getting more traffic. Now I’m aware Alexa isn’t the worlds greatest traffic meter, but it should be good enough for our little experiment;

Again that’s no surprise to me…If you go take a look at Youtube, both candidates have made use of this free video sharing website. John McCain has 28,217 channel subscribers, and has 2,015,088 channel views. Barack Obama has 113,659 channel subscribers, and a whopping 18,330,318 channel views. Barack leads out with roughly more than 16 million voters he’s had a chance to convince, and all from a free service.

I hope all of you folks go out and vote for whoever that may be. Up north here in Canada we’ve been watching your election process closely, and I can think of only one thing to safely say on behalf of Canada. At least you folks can finally all agree that a certain president that has been in house for the last 8 years isn’t working out any more.

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Link Building For Your Web 2.0 App

October 29  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

With all the crazy web 2.0 sites coming out these days, and yes the ones I’m finding to link build with, it gave me the idea to write this post. If you have your own web 2.0 app to promote you have many options which luckily will bring in some very juicy links! I’m currently helping a client promote his web 2.0 site and found an abundance of resources to get your site listed. Some things to keep in mind here are the quality and uniqueness of your web 2.0 site because a lot of these places I’m going to list have a strict quality control.

First up is the famous and most notable Mashable. This is the news spot for the web 2.0 world and luckily for you they take suggestions on sites to write about. Mashable is a blog that has a press release feel to the site. So go ahead and submit your site, and if you’re lucky enough you’ll get a nice writeup with do follow links to your site…along with an assload of traffic and exposure!

Next up is my favorite web 2.0 site, Feed My App. This great site is a web directory for web 2.0 sites you can submit your site absolutely free! If your site gets approved you’ll get added to the directory as well get a nice little write up better describing your site to their readers. This site has been growing quickly and is without a doubt a great place to get listed in.

Next up is another big web 2.0 directory that has been kicking it since 2006! Go2Web20 is one of the largest web 2.0 resource sites on the web today. The look and feel of the site is completely fresh and the directory is a visual browsing experience. It makes me never want to see another link directory again in my life! You can submit your site to get reviewed and if you’re lucky, your web 2.0 app will get sprung into the site.

Listio is another up and coming big hitter in the web 2.0 world and lists so many apps it makes my little head spin. Not only do they have a directory of sites, but they also review web 2.0 apps indepth which brings a little more juice to your links as well attracts way more potential users. I highly recommend you get your ass in gear and submit your site.

All Things Web 2.0 is another PR5 web directory that seems like total chaos upon viewing but is very worth the time trying to get in there. The sites looks to be built on Joomla, so that might explain the crazy design. Some of the extra features include most popular and best voted apps, so if you got something good you can potentially get some extra exposure. You can go ahead and submit your site here.

Ziipa is a great web 2.0 directory that usually will list your site within a few hours as well giving you a nice do follow link(as long as you anchor text it properly). The site is not too old but the way it’s layed out and marketed, it seems it will stand the test of time. I got not much else to write about, the site is pretty straight forward and just showcases your web 2.0 site in a beautiful way. Easily submit your site here.

NetWebApp is another newish web 2.0 directory that is quick to index your site and put it on display. It looks like it’s built from the same script as Feedmyapp and has all the same features. It is also getting a decent amount of traffic so it is very much worth the time submitting your site. The site already has a PR2 and is updated on a daily basis, or depending on how many submissions they got that day.

W2 Directory is another newish directory for web 2.0 sites only and it requires registration before submitting. The site itself has a lot going on such as a full featured search, profiles, news and a whole lot more. You can submit your site for free and reap the benefits of some traffic and exposure. I added my clients site a couple of hours ago and was listed within minutes of following the instructions in the email you get once you sign up.

That wraps up this post until a few more sites come out, and you know they will. This should be enough to get you started and be a big help obtaining new users to your web 2.0 app. If you want to list your site, or know of one, feel free to drop it in the comments and I will be sure to blog about it. You can also contact me and make me write about your web 2.0 app site.

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Press Release Link Building With

October 29  |  Link Building, Link Building Tools  |   Ryan Clark

PRWeb Press Release Newswire
I’m sure most of you folks have heard about, and even used’s press release distribution services. Using a press release to get the word out has long been an effective way of marketing your brand or product, and even more so it’s a great way to get some very powerful links. I’m currently writing a post entirely dedicated to free press release sites, so I thought I would get this out of the way first.

I always recommend to my clients to get the 200 dollar package they offer because it covers all your basis such as SEO friendly links and distribution to all the places that matter. You will get some kick ass links from places such as Google News and Yahoo News plust a whole host of authorative sites. Another thing to think about are the sites that scrape and use for news to blog about which can bring in a whole other set of links you wouldn’t have otherwise expected. All in all if you want an effective link building campaign this is really not to be overlooked!  Let’s take a look at all the various packages PRWeb has to offer.

PRWeb Press Release Newswire - Sign Up Now

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Link Building & RSS Promotion With

October 28  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

I reminded myself to find some new RSS feed directories and came across It’s basically a RSS feed directory but with a very updated and fresh web 2.0 feel. Submissions are reviewed by a human so you cannot submit crap to the site…so admin if you’re reading this approve Linkbuildr please and thank you(lol). The site is relatively new so don’t expect much in regards to link juice just yet, but be thankful for the help it gives your content to stay in the index. They will spider your site constantly once approved and it hopefully will bring you some new readers to your blog. I don’t have any data yet on the site so I can’t tell you how well it performs, but if anyone out there is listed please let us know in the comments! You can head on over to their site and submit your RSS feed.

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This Week In Link Building For October 27th 2008

October 27  |  TWiLB  |   Ryan Clark

Well another week slipped by where I forgot to update one of the weeks, but that just makes room for a major update this week. It has been a good week around the web as well right here as you can tell I’ve been fairly active in posting. The way it has been going out there I feel the opportunities to get one way links is going to keep rising and rising. I’m going to be starting to consult out more to you fine folks who don’t have the time to do a lot of link building as well perhaps start a job board to find other link builders for work.

Virb has been growing steadily and in the past couple of months, it has shown significant traffic growth mainly due to its quality of content. This social network site lets you showcase off every little piece of media you have to throw at it such as videos, blogs and photos. I never looked into the site earlier until this week when I noticed a nice juicy link one of my clients was getting from their profile that they had setup. So getting to the good stuff…Virb of course has do follow within your personal blog, as well within your profile under website. Since the quality of content is high on Virb you best be expected to utilize this amazing site not for SPAM, but for what it is intended for.

This new website is called Clutter Me. The web interface is a overly easy to use system that allows you to build social media rich websites in no time, and if you like, embed do follow links to anything you’re writing about. Since Clutter Me is quite new the link juice isn’t that powerful, but the folks behind it are pushing the site very hard and within a few months your links should be worth the effort. I highly recommend building a few good webpages within Clutter Me and if you want to make a little money they’ve just opened up an affiliate program.

Elgg is one of the most popular open source social networking platforms, and for good reason. Elgg has seen a lot of development and the most recent 1.0 version is nothing to snicker at! I’ve been using it for a project and I really like what they have done with the platform in regards to features, and what I think is most important, speed due to the efficiency of code. Now I’m aware blackhats are actively exploiting the Elgg platform mainly due to one reason, everything is pretty much do follow. I’ll be straight forward and mention, as I always do, that I do not condone spamming but adding relevant comments or content to the social platform. If you do a Google search for powered by Elgg you will find well over 50,000 sites that are powered by the social networking sofware.

BlognList is a great service for getting some buzz and backlinks generated for your company or product. BlognList is like other review services such as Blogsvertise, but they go above and beyond when it comes to quality. They have an army of top notch bloggers backed with authorative blogs in almost every niche you could think of. If you’re looking to build an effective link building campaign then I highly recommend it so long as you make it worth your while. They have many packages to suite anyone’s budget, and I recommend trying out the smallest first to see the results before continueing on with your campaign.

I was browsing around the web tonight and I came across YouBundle which left me asking myself how did I ever miss it? I’ve even been planning to launch a service just like it which kind of discouraged me, but I’m still going to blog about this amazing site anyway. YouBundle is somewhat like Squidoo except it’s put together completely different, is much more social and provides a fresh look at social media.

I’ve been playing around with Social Median tonight and I REALLY like what I’m seeing. Social Median is a new way of getting customized news from around the web as well getting your news out in the world with the click of the mouse. The interface took me a little while to get used to, but once I got the hang of It I was creating custom news feeds from the great sources already within the system, and then I made my own custom news feed for link building. After a few hours I’ve realized that Social Median’s suggestive topics for news it thought I would like was spot on. I’ve now got this happily feeding me news all day on my new Blackberry Storm which makes my day a whole lot more less productive..but in a good way. I highly recommend everyone to try it out, make some news feeds and get some links plus traffic from this social networking site. is a revolutionary social media platform that allows you to combine media from many sites into one neat “Flowgram”. This allows you to create a mini presention on a subject and include all the information you need from many sites such as Youtube, Flickr and even Power Point docs! Google has really been showing some love for this site and you can get a do follow backlink to your webpage within your user profile. But with a site like this, you have to think beyond just getting that link and create some very cool and unique content pieces to promote your product, web page or just about anything you like.

I was scanning a few top rated sites lately for new places to get backlinks and came across a cool little website called Launch Feed. This new service is great for two reasons, one it’s absolutely free, as well it provides a do follow link! It’s pretty straight forward so all you have to do is submit your url, write a description and let the good times roll. If you want you can write a review or promote your page to get your readers to submit reviews for you. I’d like to thank Mubashar Iqbal for programming this out of his labour of love and making this tool for free. So if anyone needs some programming done, you can contact him over at his software companies website, Suffolk Software. So enough of my blabbing….go ahead and get yourself signed up.

Collin Lahay managed to get a great post out called Link Building With iList this week and it’s another great example of what I missed! iList is a recently new classified site with a very nice web 2.0 feel to it that allows you to get some do follow links as well promote products. I’ll take a snippet from Collin’s post here to let him explain it better….oh and if you haven’t bookmarked his site yet do it. is a free classified ads website much like the more popular Craigslist or Gumtree. iList has a more “web2.0″ feel with their fancy buttons and simple publishing menu’s, and it kind of reminds me of Squidoo’s interface. Unlike iList’s more popular competitors, iList provides dofollow anchor text links in their classified ads. You can easily visit and create your account in seconds, and then make a classifieds listing with a link back to your site. You would then want to submit your classifieds page to the SocialMarker sites to help Google find the page quickly.

Linkers Blog made up the Top 10 Link Building Blogs Of 2008 and I was luckily and graciously approved to the list. But besides that, they have included a great list of sites that you should probably be reading on a weekly basis….that is if you want to stay ahead in this game. Hopefully with your support and my continued writing I’ll be able to make it higher up on the list for next year!

Ann Smarty, one of my favorite bloggers, has of course written another amazing post with some really solid information regarding link building for e-commerce sites. I’ve been doing a lot of this lately and was even thinking of writing a post until she beat me to the punch..but it’s for the best because she’s a much better writer!

The good folks over at SEOptimise posted a really good article entitled 30 Ways to Get Links Naturally & Stop Link Building. You may have seen this one already on Sphinn because it’s a wicked article and everyone should read it. They fuel the fire and provide some very unique ways of building links that most people are not doing these days…even me!

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Link Building With

October 25  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

I was scanning a few top rated sites lately for new places to get backlinks and came across a cool little website called Launch Feed. This new service is great for two reasons, one it’s absolutely free, as well it provides a do follow link! It’s pretty straight forward so all you have to do is submit your url, write a description and let the good times roll. If you want you can write a review or promote your page to get your readers to submit reviews for you. I’d like to thank Mubashar Iqbal for programming this out of his labour of love and making this tool for free. So if anyone needs some programming done, you can contact him over at his software companies website, Suffolk Software. So enough of my blabbing….go ahead and get yourself signed up.

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Link Building With

October 22  |  Link Building, Social Media Sites  |   Ryan Clark is a revolutionary social media platform that allows you to combine media from many sites into one neat “Flowgram”. This allows you to create a mini presention on a subject and include all the information you need from many sites such as Youtube, Flickr and even Power Point docs! Google has really been showing some love for this site and you can get a do follow backlink to your webpage within your user profile. But with a site like this, you have to think beyond just getting that link and create some very cool and unique content pieces to promote your product, web page or just about anything you like.

Using the zero download Flowgram Maker, creators can assemble and annotate web pages, photographs, documents and more on any topic, and add a voice narrative that provides context, emotion and consistency. This uniquely personalized package can be shared as an embedable widget, email or as a link to either a private group or with the world. Flowgram recipients can interact with any of its pages by clicking on links, for example, or playing and pausing videos.

What I’m loving about all these new social media platforms is how it makes you create good content and leaves behind mindless spamming that I HATE. Once you start using Flowgram you’ll start to realize the endless potential with it for fun, but in most of our cases, marketing.

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