This Week In Link Building For August 17 2008

August 18  |  TWiLB  |   Ryan Clark

This is the first installment of “This Week In Link Building” which will wrap up all I’ve blogged about in the recent week, as well as what my fellow bloggers have come out with. If you have anything to add please fire me the link via the contact form. This will eventually get podcasted as well when I launch the “Bedroom Office Podcast” which will cover everything from web 2.0, search marketing and affiliate marketing. If anyone doesn’t want me to blog about what they’ve written just let me know and I’ll make sure not to include you.

First off I’ll start with interesting posts from here and cover all the sites I’ve found to link build on. Most of this weeks finds have been social bookmarking sites, and some are very niche specific. I’ve noticed a lot of new and interesting social bookmarking CMS’s hitting the scene and it’s refreshing to say the least!

Squoogle is a site I managed to miss until my good friend pointed it out to me. It’s another nicely put together place to drop links to your social media articles. Continue reading “Squoogle Anyone?

MillionRSS is not only a RSS Feed Directory, but it aims to be the largest on the Internet. As I type this they are currently indexing 178,374 RSS Feeds! Continue reading “Submit Your Feed To MillionRSS“.

It is a way of managing not only your business/professional identity, but a way to build solid and related links. Continue reading “Link Building And Character Builing With Lookup Page“. is a relatively new web 2.0 social bookmarking and mini-blogging system that is do follow. Continue reading “Link Building With Yattle“.

OYAX is a web 2.0 social bookmarking engine that isn’t a whole lot different from the masses of similar sites, but it holds a strong PR4, a lot of users and almost 130,000 pages indexed in Google. Continue reading “Link Building With OYAX“.

Blawg is a great resource for Lawyers, Judges and even criminals. If you have a law blog then it might be in your best interest to add yourself to their feed directory.Continue reading “Link Building With Blawg“.

Subbmitt is a new social bookmarking site invading the already crowded market. Thankfully this isn’t run on Pligg, so the links are SEO friendly and the site has somewhat of a unique appeal. Continue reading “Link Building with Subbmitt“.

So what’s been going on in the blogosphere this week? Well thankfully I’m only covering link building because I’ve got enough going on in my life :) Again a little reminder to hit up the contact us page and send me links to be blogged about for these updates.

Colin Lahay formerly of Mixed Market Arts has rebranded the site to reflect his personal image. Do not worry though because the only thing that has changed is the domain name. Colin was first to blog about link building with LookupPage, and just recently got interviewed by Blueverse about his recent life in internet marketing.

Tom from SEOmoz wrote a great article covering a completely new link building method that goes beyond and might even thwart spammers with this technique. Basically he talks about finding pages that used to offer a service or product and aqquiring a link from that page. This is a must read to continue over and read “A Link Building Method So I Can’t Believe It’s Not Black Hat“.

Breakaway from the Link Building Bible once again covers the do follow topic by thoroughly explaining how to use a do follow search engine. He also hints at cleaning out a lot of the blogs in his search engine that went back to no follow, and also about adding in a couple hundred more sites. I hope the search engine keeps on going and if you use his service send him a thank you email! Continue reading “How To Use A Do Follow Blog Search Engine“.

Semvironment has released a very cool WordPress plugin that tracks the websites and pages you link to and sends an email message to that website administrator notifying them of your link. This is a great way to start networking within the niche you’re working in and its 100% free…you can’t go wrong there! Head on over and download the plugin. Here is a video showing you how to get it all going…


Link Building With Subbmitt

Comments Off on Link Building With Subbmitt
August 17  |  Social Bookmarking  |   Ryan Clark

Subbmitt is a new social bookmarking site invading the already crowded market. Thankfully this isn’t run on Pligg, so the links are SEO friendly and the site has somewhat of a unique appeal. I’ve added a few links over the past week, but I haven’t seen much traffic from the links. So what’s unique about it? Well for one you don’t have to sign up to submit or vote, which is a cool concept but opens a huge door for spamming and gaming the results…so depending on which hat you’re wearing today, you can get a bunch of links regardless. All the articles submitted make the front page and if you want to make your own group, then you have to sign up.

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Link Building With Blawg

August 17  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

Blawg is a great resource for Lawyers, Judges and even criminals. If you have a law blog then it might be in your best interest to add yourself to their feed directory. Blawgs has been showing a lot of growth and they’re holding a pr6 page rank, which isn’t too shabby. I’m sorry to dissapoint my readers who are not running a law blog and wanting a general place to snag a link. You can also add your law related podcast to the mix and it will surely drive very targeted traffic to your show.

Blawg was started in December 2002 by Bill Gratsch. While not a blogger himself, Bill had stumbled across a few interesting and useful postings at various weblogs, but too often it seemed simply luck that he found good ones. There was little organization or structure to the blogosphere. With this in mind, Bill scoured the web looking for weblogs that focused on legal-oriented subject matter, with the idea of creating a law blog directory. He found 57. From lawyers writing about their area of expertise, to law librarians offering research tips and tricks, to law professors expressing their opinions and analysis, to technologists discussing the latest trends and ideas in legal technology, these law-oriented blogs or “blawgs,” were providing an early view of the changing dynamics for communication and collaboration within the legal community.

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Using Pikaba For Social Marketing

August 17  |  Social Media Sites  |   Ryan Clark

Pikaba might not get you juicy back links but it can be a new tool in your online marketing efforts. Pikaba allows you to ask about where to buy a product, and people submit their offers to you….all you have to do is pick the best price and you’re set. And of course it’s social, so that means you can easily make money by selling your products directly to the consumer. The site is relatively new so I’d sign up and test the waters because there is a lot of potential for this take become very big, very fast.

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The Link Building Rap

August 17  |  News  |   Ryan Clark

I’ve been watching the top 10 serps for the key word “link building” for a while now, and I’ve noticed someone do something to quickly boost them into the top 10 via an US Google server, and here in Canada they rank #1 for the term “link building”. A man named Chuck has made a little rap about link building, properly made use of social media and networking sites, and is now reaping the benefits of some nice keywords. I’m not sure how long he will rank in the top 10, but I imagine this will still get attention and build a few more good links. I’ve used Youtube in the past a lot for affiliate marketing, and it yields some great results if you’re using the right niche.

The SEO Rapper is a man named chuck, and he’s a SEO Consultant from Houston TX. You can read his blog  * Mo Serious Thoughts *. His blog has a lot of good things to say and anyone could learn something from this guy. He’s utilizing social media very well and it’s a great real world example of how a properly executed campaign is done.

Chuck runs a SEO company called Pop Labs, and as you can see specializes in Social Media Consulting. You can check out their website for fresh marketing ideas, or catch up on their blog. Pop Labs has been live since 2001 and I’ll hopefully get to meet them eventually at a conference. I’ve also got to mention their SEO Tools that are for free on the Pop Labs website. Chuck also runs a Youtube channel where he has a whole bunch of videos including this little gem, “Design Coding”.

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Link Building With OYAX

August 16  |  Social Bookmarking  |   Ryan Clark

OYAX is a web 2.0 social bookmarking engine that isn’t a whole lot different from the masses of similar sites, but it holds a strong PR4, a lot of users and almost 130,000 pages indexed in Google. Registration with OYAX is 100% free and you can get sharing and adding your bookmarks in an instant.

What is Oyax project 2.0?

Oyax is a social bookmark manager. It allows you to add web sites to your personal collection of links, categorize those sites with tags and share your collection not only with your own browsers and machine, but also with other people.

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Link Building With

August 16  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark is a relatively new web 2.0 social bookmarking and mini-blogging system that is do follow. You have to sign up to use Yattle, but it is free and easy. The bookmarking features offer the usual features such as sharing with friends, life span of a bookmark and built in mini-blogging somewhat like Twitter.  Yattle has been slowly growing and it seems like a decent place to build up some bookmarks and get some link love back. Click here to register with Yattle.

  • Simple bookmark management tool
  • Create bookmark categories
  • Easily add, edit and remove bookmarks from any computer at any location
  • Access your Yattle bookmarks from any computer at any location
  • Mini-Blogging service
  • Easily add, edit and remove Mini-Blog entries from any computer at any location
  • Share Yattle bookmarks and Mini-Blogs with your entire group or organisation
  • Convert long urls to short managable links you can share with family, friends, colleagues and customers
  • Add a lifespan to bookmarks that you may or may not need in the future

Social Bookmarking From Around The World

August 16  |  News  |   Ryan Clark

I’ve been branching out in my affiliate marketing efforts to other countries and have been loving the use of social bookmarking sites in those countries. I’ve been all about geo-targeting my link building for specific niche’s and you should be too if you’re targeting something in a specific location. Make sure to remember to post in the language of the originating bookmarking engine, and keep it non spammy! A warning to my readers…I try to explain the sites I’m listing and since some of them are in languages I do not comprehend, my descriptions might be all that accurate.

First up in the pr6 Polish news site Wykop which is quite like Digg/Reddit that covers everything nerdy and cool in Poland. Some of the sections range from technology, culture and sports. The sites sites just above the 14K ranking mark in Alexa and is showing slow but steady growth. Oh and if anyone is wondering, here is the link to the registration page.

Scoopeo is a site I regularly post news to for a few French Canadian clients I have for their French blogs. Although the site has seen a slump in daily homepage traffic, the social bookmarking site passes along its link love. Scoopeo also intergrates and active blog and forum into the site giving it that ultimate web 2.0 feel. Here is the link to the Sign Up page. is a German Digg like site that is very popular, active and boasts a page rank 8. The social news engine has over 300,00 pages indexed in Google and is a very good place to submit German related items. According to Alexa, the site has seen a significant drop in traffic lately, so sadly you can expect a little less traffic from Yigg. Here is a link to their registration page. is a very popular social bookmarking engine for Russian news and various sub categories. The Russian Internet community is a large one and they are very active within the web 2.0 community. You can expect a lot of good targeted traffic if you make it to the front page of It took me a while to find it but here is their registration page.

From my homeland of Canada comes the one and only social news site for Canadians, CKA News. I run a blog network for various Canadian websites so I’m a regular here and appreciate the service. As I always mention you won’t get far posting nothing but quality content on this site. They also provide a unique radio show that’s streamed on the web, and covers the top news from the site in depth. Here is a link to the registration page.

Blog Memes is a Spanish social bookmarking and news site that I’m sure you’ve heard of before. They are no new kid on the block and provide access to a large Spanish speaking audience. They provide a large list of news categories, so you shouldn’t have a problem finding readers who are interested in your topic. You can register online on their sign up page.

Linkk of the largest social news sites in Brazil is still growing every day, and you can get a ton of Brazilian traffic to your blog. The links are SEO friendly as well so you can enjoy that extra benefit. As of today there are over 30,000 registered users on Linkk so you can network with friends and people with the same interests. The site looks like it’s built on Pligg so the resgistration page was easy to find.

Choix is a Japanese web 2.0 social news site with great integration of videos of all things related to their culture. According to Alexa they have been growing fast in both traffic and members within the past few months. The site is decently easy to navigate even if you don’t speak Japanese, and you should expect a lot of traffic if you hit the front page. One down side to the site is that they don’t have SEO friendly urls. You can sign up on their registatrion page .

If anyone has one they would like to add to the list just drop the site in the comments and I will review for further inspection. Social news sites are not slowing down and there are still many niche sites coming out so keep your eyes peeled.