If you’re looking to expand your online presence and take on the rapidly growing world of social media marketing, then Linkbuildr can help your business out. Everyone who wants to grow and expand has been taking advantage of social media and networks but tend to stick to only a small number of resources. Most companies have started out in the social web, most likely with Twitter and Facebook, but I would like to help you reach all the other social networking sites within your niche you may not know about.
A lot of these social media/networking sites also present the opportunity to obtain a one way link which can be built up into a strong asset in the future. This also presents a problem with potential spam, so I will work with you to build your social presence with great information and unique content targeted to each social site. This will not only help index your links and content, but it helps showcase your business to a whole new audience that your competitors are most likely not taking advantage of.
The minimum amount of time to start a social media marketing campaign is 1 month, but I recommend a 3 month attack plan to properly implement a content rich campaign. My reasoning behind this is because we need to take part in these communities which will require us working together to make sure your company image is being put forth properly. You may also get your employee’s involved in this process which can be fun for them and reflect well on your brand.
What does it cost? Campaigns start at $1500 USD per month and go up into the xx,xxx range, depending on how far you want to go. Each campaign is approached differently and no one gets the same cookie cutter process. If you’re interested in discussing your product or brand with me please get in touch with me through my contact form.